Friday, July 20, 2007

Foods That Make You Smell

Asparagus, garlic, and onions.
If they're so good for you,
How come they make you smell.

Chess Piece

The knight can never move directly forward
Nor can I
When I must sidestep obstacles&barriers.
Like a chess match
These obstacles&barriers challenge me,
Force me to devise new strategies.

Windows and Mirrors

Where the future and past


On the two dimensional surface

Of glass.

Through the window

We see tomorrow.

And through the mirror

We see yesterday.

Laughing Buddha

In the belly of Buddha is bliss.

Rub it if you dare.

Elightenment is simple but elusive.

Who knows what fortune it will bare.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And I Would Spill My Seed

and there is longing
growing like hunger in my loins
pushing toward the surface,
that I must admit
distracts me. My heart
parched like desert soil
awaits April rains.
It isn't love I need
right now,
but satisfaction.
A romantic interlude
would whet my May flower
would bring my bud to leaf,
and send old doubt
new relief.

A Short, Chubby, Bald Man Speaks His Mind

Many of the broken hearts
Go back home before dark.
They venture into the world again
To choose sword

or pen.

Once Size Fits All Dept.

So there I was deleting my 6th email
offer to make my genitals bigger.
The add said "click here

to make your member bigger".
I kept clicking,
but there was no change,

so I deleted it.

I come from a generation
that did not discuss
one's genitals casually.
Now it's the topic

of conversation and puppetry.
So these daily unsolicited

Viagra ads
are beginning to make me


Thank goodness for Go Ask Alice
to assuage my already tentative


Although They May Spit at You

They spit at you

The urinals,


and the camels....

But you excuse such rudeness

As life's little hockers aimed your way!